الدين البهائي
"لتكن رؤيتكم عالمية ..." -- حضرة بهاء الله
"لو رزقت قليلًا من زلال المعرفة الإلهيّة لعرفت بأنَّ الحياة الحقيقيّة هي حياة القلب لا حياةُ الجسد ..." -- حضرة بهاء الله
"إن دين الله ومذهب الله يهدف إلى حفظ واتحاد واتفاق العالم والمحبة والألفة بين اهل العالم." -- حضرة بهاء الله

نص الكتاب الأقدس

نص الكتاب الأقدس - طبع الكتاب في كندا، الصفحة "۱".

۱۳١ قد رفع الله ما حكم به البيان في تحديد الاسفار انّه لهو المختار يفعل ما يشآء ويحكم ما يريد.  التلاوة 

131  God hath removed the restrictions on travel that had been imposed in the Bayán. He, verily, is the Unconstrained; He doeth as He pleaseth and ordaineth whatsoever He willeth.   Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #131

۱۳۲ يا ملأ الانشآء اسمعوا ندآء مالك الاسمآء انّه يناديكم من شطر سجنه الاعظم انّه لا اله الاّ انا المقتدر المتكبّر المتسخّر المتعالي العليم الحكيم. انّه لا اله الاّ هو المقتدر على العالمين. لو يشآء ياخذ العالم بكلمة من عنده ايّاكم ان تتوقّفوا في هذا الامر الّذي خضع له الملأ الاعلى واهل مدآئن الاسمآء اتّقوا الله ولا تكوننّ من المحتجبين. ٧٦ احرقوا الحجبات بنار حبّي والسّبحات بهذا الاسم الّذي به سخّرنا العالمين.  التلاوة 

132  O peoples of the world! Give ear unto the call of Him Who is the Lord of Names, Who proclaimeth unto you from His habitation in the Most Great Prison: "Verily, no God is there but Me, the Powerful, the Mighty, the All-Subduing, the Most Exalted, the Omniscient, the All-Wise." In truth, there is no God but Him, the Omnipotent Ruler of the worlds. Were it His Will, He would, through but a single word proceeding from His presence, lay hold on all mankind. Beware lest ye hesitate in your acceptance of this Cause -- a Cause before which the Concourse on high and the dwellers of the Cities of Names have bowed down. Fear God, and be not of those who are shut out as by a veil. Burn ye away the veils with the fire of My love, and dispel ye the mists of vain imaginings by the power of this Name through which We have subdued the entire creation.   Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #132

۱۳٤ ايّاكم ان تمنعكم شئونات الارض عمّا امرتم به من لدن قويّ امين. كونوا مظاهر الاستقامة بين البريّة على شأن لا تمنعكم شبهات الّذين كفروا بالله اذ ظهر بسلطان عظيم. ايّاكم ان يمنعكم ما نزّل في الكتاب عن هذا الكتاب الّذي ينطق بالحقّ انّه لا اله الاّ انا العزيز الحميد. ٧٧ انظروا بعين الانصاف الى من اتى من سمآء المشيّة والاقتدار ولا تكوننّ من الظّالمين.  التلاوة 

134  Be watchful lest the concerns and preoccupations of this world prevent you from observing that which hath been enjoined upon you by Him Who is the Mighty, the Faithful. Be ye the embodiments of such steadfastness amidst mankind that ye will not be kept back from God by the doubts of those who disbelieved in Him when He manifested Himself, invested with a mighty sovereignty. Take heed lest ye be prevented by aught that hath been recorded in the Book from hearkening unto this, the Living Book, Who proclaimeth the truth: "Verily, there is no God but Me, the Most Excellent, the All-Praised." Look ye with the eye of equity upon Him Who hath descended from the heaven of Divine will and power, and be not of those who act unjustly.   Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #134

۱۳٥ ثمّ اذكروا ما جرى من قلم مبشّري في ذكر هذا الظّهور وما ارتكبه اولو الطّغيان في ايّامه الا انّهم من الاخسرين. قال ان ادركتم ما نظهره انتم من فضل الله تسئلون. ليمنّ عليكم باستوآئه على سرآئركم فانّ ذلك عزّ ممتنع منيع. ان يشرب كأس مآء عندكم اعظم من ان تشربنّ كلّ نفس مآء وجوده بل كلّ شيء ان يا عبادي تدركون. ٧۸ التلاوة 

135  Call then to mind these words which have streamed forth, in tribute to this Revelation, from the Pen of Him Who was My Herald, and consider what the hands of the oppressors have wrought throughout My days. Truly they are numbered with the lost. He said: "Should ye attain the presence of Him Whom We shall make manifest, beseech ye God, in His bounty, to grant that He might deign to seat Himself upon your couches, for that act in itself would confer upon you matchless and surpassing honour. Should He drink a cup of water in your homes, this would be of greater consequence for you than your proffering unto every soul, nay unto every created thing, the water of its very life. Know this, O ye My servants!"  Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #135

۱۳٦ هذا ما نزّل من عنده ذكراً لنفسي لو انتم تعلمون. والّذي تفكّر في هذه الايات واطّلع بما ستر فيهنّ من اللّئالي المخزونة تالله انّه يجد عرف الرّحمن من شطر السّجن ويسرع بقلبه اليه باشتياق لا تمنعه جنود السّموات والارضين. قل هذا لظهور تطوف حوله الحجّة والبرهان كذلك انزله الرّحمن ان انتم من المنصفين. قل هذا روح الكتب قد نفخ به في القلم الاعلى وانصعق من في الانشآء الاّ من اخذته نفحات رحمتي وفوحات الطافي المهيمنة على العالمين. ٧٩ التلاوة 

136  Such are the words with which My Forerunner hath extolled My Being, could ye but understand. Whoso reflecteth upon these verses, and realizeth what hidden pearls have been enshrined within them, will, by the righteousness of God, perceive the fragrance of the All-Merciful wafting from the direction of this Prison and will, with his whole heart, hasten unto Him with such ardent longing that the hosts of earth and heaven would be powerless to deter him. Say: This is a Revelation around which every proof and testimony doth circle. Thus hath it been sent down by your Lord, the God of Mercy, if ye be of them that judge aright. Say: This is the very soul of all Scriptures which hath been breathed into the Pen of the Most High, causing all created beings to be dumbfounded, save only those who have been enraptured by the gentle breezes of My loving-kindness and the sweet savours of My bounties which have pervaded the whole of creation.   Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #136

۱۳٧ يا ملأ البيان اتّقوا الرّحمن ثمّ انظروا ما انزله في مقام اخر قال انّما القبلة من يظهره الله متى ينقلب تنقلب الى ان يستقرّ كذلك نزّل من لدن مالك القدر اذ اراد ذكر هذا المنظر الاكبر تفكّروا يا قوم ولا تكوننّ من الهآئمين. لو تنكرونه باهوآئكم الى ايّة قبلة تتوجّهون يا معشر الغافلين. تفكّروا في هذه الاية ثمّ انصفوا بالله لعلّ تجدون لئالي الاسرار من البحر الّذي تموّج باسمي العزيز المنيع.  التلاوة 

137  O people of the Bayán! Fear ye the Most Merciful and consider what He hath revealed in another passage. He said: "The Qiblih is indeed He Whom God will make manifest; whenever He moveth, it moveth, until He shall come to rest." Thus was it set down by the Supreme Ordainer when He desired to make mention of this Most Great Beauty. Meditate on this, O people, and be not of them that wander distraught in the wilderness of error. If ye reject Him at the bidding of your idle fancies, where then is the Qiblih to which ye will turn, O assemblage of the heedless? Ponder ye this verse, and judge equitably before God, that haply ye may glean the pearls of mysteries from the ocean that surgeth in My Name, the All-Glorious, the Most High.   Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #137

۱۳٨ ليس لاحد ان يتمسّك اليوم الاّ بما ظهر في هذا الظّهور هذا حكم الله من قبل ومن بعد وبه زيّن صحف الاوّلين. ۸٠ هذا ذكر الله من قبل ومن بعد قد طرّز به ديباج كتاب الوجود ان انتم من الشّاعرين. هذا امر الله من قبل ومن بعد ايّاكم ان تكونوا من الصّاغرين. لا يغنيكم اليوم شيء وليس لاحد مهرب الاّ الله العليم الحكيم. من عرفني قد عرف المقصود من توجّه اليّ قد توجّه الى المعبود كذلك فصّل في الكتاب وقضي الامر من لدى الله ربّ العالمين. من يقرء اية من اياتي لخير له من ان يقرء كتب الاوّلين والاخرين. هذا بيان الرّحمن ان انتم من السّامعين. ۸۱ ۸۱ قل هذا حقّ العلم لو انتم من العارفين.  التلاوة 

138  Let none, in this Day, hold fast to aught save that which hath been manifested in this Revelation. Such is the decree of God, aforetime and hereafter -- a decree wherewith the Scriptures of the Messengers of old have been adorned. Such is the admonition of the Lord, aforetime and hereafter -- an admonition wherewith the preamble to the Book of Life hath been embellished, did ye but perceive it. Such is the commandment of the Lord, aforetime and hereafter; beware lest ye choose instead the part of ignominy and abasement. Naught shall avail you in this Day but God, nor is there any refuge to flee to save Him, the Omniscient, the All-Wise. Whoso hath known Me hath known the Goal of all desire, and whoso hath turned unto Me hath turned unto the Object of all adoration. Thus hath it been set forth in the Book, and thus hath it been decreed by God, the Lord of all worlds. To read but one of the verses of My Revelation is better than to peruse the Scriptures of both the former and latter generations. This is the Utterance of the All-Merciful, would that ye had ears to hear! Say: This is the essence of knowledge, did ye but understand.   Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #138

۱۳٩ ثمّ انظروا ما نزّل في مقام اخر لعلّ تدعون ما عندكم مقبلين الى الله ربّ العالمين. قال لا يحلّ الاقتران ان لم يكن في البيان وان يدخل من احد يحرم على الاخر ما يملك من عنده الاّ وان يرجع ذلك بعد ان يرفع امر من نظهره بالحقّ او ما قد ظهر بالعدل وقبل ذلك فلتقربنّ لعلّكم بذلك امر الله ترفعون. كذلك تغرّدت الورقآء على الافنان في ذكر ربّها الرّحمن طوبى للسّامعين. ۸۲ التلاوة 

139  And now consider what hath been revealed in yet another passage, that perchance ye may forsake your own concepts and set your faces towards God, the Lord of being. He [The Báb] hath said: "It is unlawful to enter into marriage save with a believer in the Bayán. Should only one party to a marriage embrace this Cause, his or her possessions will become unlawful to the other, until such time as the latter hath converted. This law, however, will only take effect after the exaltation of the Cause of Him Whom We shall manifest in truth, or of that which hath already been made manifest in justice. Ere this, ye are at liberty to enter into wedlock as ye wish, that haply by this means ye may exalt the Cause of God." Thus hath the Nightingale sung with sweet melody upon the celestial bough, in praise of its Lord, the All-Merciful. Well is it with them that hearken.   Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #139

۱٤٠ يا ملأ البيان اقسمكم بربّكم الرّحمن بان تنظروا فيما نزّل بالحقّ بعين الانصاف ولا تكوننّ من الّذين يرون برهان الله وينكرونه الا انّهم من الهالكين. قد صرّح نقطة البيان في هذه الاية بارتفاع امري قبل امره يشهد بذلك كلّ منصف عليم. كما ترونه اليوم انّه ارتفع على شأن لا ينكره الاّ الّذين سكّرت ابصارهم في الاولى وفي الاخرى لهم عذاب مهين.  التلاوة 

140  O people of the Bayán, I adjure you by your Lord, the God of mercy, to look with the eye of fairness upon this utterance which hath been sent down through the power of truth, and not to be of those who see the testimony of God yet reject and deny it. They, in truth, are of those who will assuredly perish. The Point of the Bayán hath explicitly made mention in this verse of the exaltation of My Cause before His own Cause; unto this will testify every just and understanding mind. As ye can readily witness in this day, its exaltation is such as none can deny save those whose eyes are drunken in this mortal life and whom a humiliating chastisement awaiteth in the life to come.   Kitab-i-Aqdas, paragraph #140

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